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Miscellaneous Board Files

  • S-022
  • Série
  • 1977 - 2014

Series consists of a variety of materials created or collected by the Douglas College Board, excluding board meeting records and materials created by standing committees. These subjects range from agreements and policies to board member biographies, college governance to engagement with provincial legislation, and from specific campus projects to correspondence writ large. Correspondence, reports, and supporting documents make up the greatest share of materials in this series.

Douglas College Board

Committees of the Board

  • S-021
  • Série
  • 1968 - 2012

Series consists of materials pertaining to the standing committees of the Douglas College Board and its predecessor, the Douglas College Council. Committees of the Board exist to provide greater investigation and recommendations related to governance issues and functions for which the Board is responsible such as finance, human resources, facilities, curricular planning, and development.

During the institution’s early years, several committees existed within the College Council to oversee key functions like those mentioned above; however, it was not until February 1975 that four were formally recognized by Council as standing committees: the Finance Committee, Program Development Committee, Building and Sites Development Committee, and Personnel Committee. These were later joined by a committee which focused on community relations and public promotion of the College.

Following the College's split into Douglas and Kwantlen in 1981, and a subsequent administrative reorganization which resulted in a smaller membership, the College Board determined it could no longer operate with the same number of standing committees. The Board's chairman and vice-chairman were tasked with developing a proposal for a new board committee structure. Ultimately, they proposed two committees: the Finance, Facilities and Personnel Committee and the Education and Services Committee. The former was an amalgam of three existing standing committees while the latter was a successor to the Program Development Committee. The Community Relations Committee was not replaced by an equivalent body until the creation of the Community Relations Development Committee in 1984.

Although there were several changes to names and responsibilities, most committees of the Board reflected the original functions of their earlier iterations throughout the 1980s and 1990s. In the early 2000s, the Education Committee and the Community Relations/Board Development Committee were disbanded, as their roles had been increasingly co-opted by other committees. And more recently, a Technology Strategy Committee existed for seven years (2014-2021) before also being disbanded.

The records in this series primarily consist of meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting documents such as correspondence, memoranda, reports, financial statements, and planning materials.

Finance Committee [original]

Library and Learning Resources

  • S-019
  • Série
  • May 1969 - July 2012

Series consists of materials pertaining to the creation, development, and operation of the Douglas College Library and the Learning Resources Department, the latter of which was established in 1982 and encompasses the library. These materials include correspondence, memoranda, reports, annual reports, architectural drawings and building plans, budgetary records, and more. There are meeting records (agendas, minutes, and supporting documents) pertaining to a range of committees and units, including: the Library Executive Committee, Library Divisional Committee, Learning Resources Management Committee, and Support Staff Committee.

Douglas College Library

Office of the Vice President, Educational Services

  • S-018
  • Série
  • March 1991 - June 2005

Series consists of materials created or collected by the Office of the Vice President, Educational Services. This position was established as part of the College's 1995 administrative restructuring, in which a “leaner” organizational model was implemented that included four new divisions: Educational Services, College Development, Instructional Services, and Finance and Administration. The Vice President, Educational Services was responsible for management of Student Services, Developmental Education, International Education, Community Programs, Contract Programs, and Learning Resources, and Admissions and Records. Educational Technology also became an important part of this portfolio.

Materials in this series include meeting agendas, minutes, and supporting documents pertaining to a number of committees associated with Educational Services at the College. (“Supporting documents” encompasses a range of records such as correspondence, memoranda, reports, and ephemera.) The two largest tranches of records in this series are related to the Technology, Planning and Management Committee (TPMC) and the Educational Technology Forum (ETF). The TPMC played an integral role in development of the College’s long-term educational technology plans and priorities, as well as reviewing and approving educational technology capital requests. Al Atkinson was committee chairman from its formation in 1997 until 2004, shortly before his retirement. The TPMC worked closely with the ETF, which was formed in April 1997, replacing the Teaching, Learning & Technology Roundtable. Its mandate was to promote the integration of educational technologies throughout the College and to advise the TPMC on priorities.

Atkinson was the first Vice President, Educational Services (1995-2004). He was succeeded by Blaine Jensen (2004-2015).

Al Atkinson

Andy Andrews Papers

  • S-017
  • Série
  • September 1967 - October 1983

Series consists of records created or collected by Andy Andrews during the course of his career at Douglas College. The majority of these records document the development of programming and individual courses, including those that ultimately were never finalized or offered by the College. Andrews sat on multiple committees, including the Applied Programs Divisional Management Committee, and many records in this series capture administrative activities and changes between 1970 and 1983.

Andy Andrews

George Porges Papers

  • S-016
  • Série
  • September 1970 - February 1978

Series consists of materials created or collected by faculty member George Porges. The majority of these records are history and political science course descriptions, most of which were periodically revised between their original creation and 1975. These course descriptions include bibliographies, lists of support materials like films or documentaries, and occasionally correspondence or notes related to how the courses were revised and updated over time.

George Porges

Bill Morfey Papers

  • S-015
  • Série
  • December 1969 - March 1989

Series consists of materials created or collected by Bill Morfey during the course of his duties as College Bursar. In this role, Morfey was responsible for managing the College's financial affairs. Although it is helpful to understand Morfey's recordkeeping practices through this lens, not all the materials in his files are exclusively related to College finances. Morfey also sat on numerous internal and external committees, preserving his copies of minutes and supporting documents. This series provides snapshots of various College departments, programs, and services from throughout Morfey's almost 20-year tenure at the College. Materials in this series include correspondence, memoranda, reports, flyers, brochures, contracts and agreements, course information, balance sheets, budgetary information, architectural plans, and much more.

Bill Morfey

The Charter of Rights Committee

  • S-014
  • Série
  • October 1986 - April 1990

Series consists of materials pertaining to the work of the Charter of Rights Committee at Douglas College, which was formed to promote information across multiple disciplines about the Charter's many implications. These records include correspondence, bibliographies, meeting agendas and minutes, memoranda, and more. The series captures the creation of a long-running course at the College called Human Rights and Canadian Society: Multidisciplinary Perspectives.

Charter of Rights Committee

Douglas College International Model United Nations (DOUGIMUN)

  • S-013
  • Série
  • February 1997 - December 2007

Series consists of materials pertaining to the Douglas College International Model United Nations (DOUGIMUN). A model UN is "an academic simulation of the United Nations where students play the role of delegates from different countries and attempt to solve real world issues with the policies and perspectives of their assigned country." DOUGIMUN was formed after a delegation of four political science students, under the supervision of professor Marlene Hancock, attended the 1997 Cairo International Model United Nations. Hancock said this trip inspired her to form a similar event at Douglas College. The first DOUGIMUN conference was hosted in February 1999.

The records in this series include correspondence, conference handbooks, newspaper clippings, photographs, and ephemera.

Marlene Hancock

Twentieth Anniversary

  • S-012
  • Série
  • [May 1989] - November 1990

Series consists of materials pertaining to the College's twentieth anniversary celebration in 1989 and 1990. (The festivities began in September 1989.) These include event flyers, a bulletin called "Catch the Action," and a publication called "Twenty Years of Making a Difference." The Public Information Office was responsible for producing these items, while the festivities in general were overseen by the 20th Anniversary Steering Committee.

Public Information Office

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