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Douglas College Library
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Library and Learning Resources

  • S-019
  • Serie
  • May 1969 - July 2012

Series consists of materials pertaining to the creation, development, and operation of the Douglas College Library and the Learning Resources Department, the latter of which was established in 1982 and encompasses the library. These materials include correspondence, memoranda, reports, annual reports, architectural drawings and building plans, budgetary records, and more. There are meeting records (agendas, minutes, and supporting documents) pertaining to a range of committees and units, including: the Library Executive Committee, Library Divisional Committee, Learning Resources Management Committee, and Support Staff Committee.

Douglas College Library

Library - Capturing Your College Memories - 2010

File consists of materials pertaining to the "Capturing Your College Memories" event, which was held in conjunction with the College's 30th Anniversary festivities. These include correspondence, donation forms, and images printed via inkjet printer or copier.

Douglas College Library

Library Institutional Self-Study - 1979

File consists of materials pertaining to an extensive 1979 self-study of the library. This includes reports from the various divisions and teams within the library, policies, questionnaires (blank copies and results), correspondence, handwritten notes, meeting minutes, and more.

Douglas College Library

Learning Resource - Permanent Campus Library - 1979-1981

File consists of materials pertaining to the creation of a permanent campus in New Westminster. These include correspondence, memoranda, meeting minutes (of the Libraries Users Committee and the New Westminster Building Committee), notes from meeting with the architectural firm, and several architectural drawings and reports.

Douglas College Library

Library 112/113 Course Descriptions

File consists of course materials from LIB 112 (Basic Library Skills) and LIB 113 (Basic Reference Skills). These include outlines, assignments, evaluation sheets, and more.

David Williams

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