File consists of an agenda, minutes, and supporting documents from the September 16, 2004 meeting of the Technology, Planning and Management Committee (TPMC).
File consists of an agenda, minutes, and supporting documents from the September 18, 2003 meeting of the Technology, Planning and Management Committee (TPMC).
File consists of an agenda, minutes, and supporting documents from the September 24, 1998 meeting of the Technology, Planning and Management Committee (TPMC).
File consists of an agenda from a September 11, 1997 'Educational Technology Environmental Scan' workshop of the Technology, Planning and Management Committee (TPMC). Also included is a copy of the Douglas College Information Technology Strategic Plan from February of that year.
File consists of materials pertaining to building designs and layouts. These architectural drawings are photocopies on letter-size pieces of paper, rather than original drawings or blueprints.
Series consists of materials pertaining to the work of the Charter of Rights Committee at Douglas College, which was formed to promote information across multiple disciplines about the Charter's many implications. These records include correspondence, bibliographies, meeting agendas and minutes, memoranda, and more. The series captures the creation of a long-running course at the College called Human Rights and Canadian Society: Multidisciplinary Perspectives.
Series consists of copies of The Douglas Pinion from its launch in 1975 to its final run in 1981. In total there were 12 volumes of the paper (50 issues) and one spoof edition called The Douglas Onion. Three issues from Vol. 9 (Nos. 5, 6, and 13) are missing.