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I-CARE Literacy Program

  • S-001
  • Reeks
  • 1977-2020

Series predominately consists of published materials by the I-CARE adult literacy program: the group's newsletter and later its annual publication featuring student writing. This series also includes additional textual records related to I-CARE's creation and early years, its operations, and various events.

The first I-CARE newsletter was launched in January 1979. It was called "The Nameless Newsletter" and was edited by Sheila Taillefer and Linda Ellwood. By July of that year, the newsletter was simply titled "I CARE", which would remain in place until the fall of 1982 when it was renamed "Breakthrough". Early editions of Breakthrough contained event announcements, meeting agendas and minutes, photocopied articles, information resources for tutors, crossword puzzles, activities, and artwork and graphics. The newsletter's tagline was: "A newsletter published for literacy volunteers in the Douglas College region." However, by the 1990s the target audience of the newsletter had expanded to include learners as much as tutors. In the September 1992 issue, Breakthrough started including a section called "Writing For Our Future" which featured short written works by students from the program. (Writing For Our Future was the name of a stand-alone, annual publication by I-CARE featuring student writing. It was launched in 1990.) Breakthrough has been published on a monthly and later quarterly basis, uninterrupted until the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in winter 2020.


Principal's Papers

  • S-002
  • Reeks
  • November 1966 - May 1981

Series consists of office files, correspondence, and other materials created, received, or collected by Wootton during his tenure as principal. These records relate to the development of academic programming and the early growth of the College, collaborations with other post-secondary institutions, community partnerships, service provision, and general administrative functions. Also included are reports on the state of post-secondary education in B.C. during the 1970s, environmental projects, and organizations like Council of College Principals, of which Wootton was chairman until 1976.

This series contains a diverse mix of records; it provides not only a record of Wootton's work as principal but also the broader context in which Douglas College took shape.

George C. Wootton

The Douglas Pinion

  • S-003
  • Reeks
  • April 1975 - April 1981

Series consists of copies of The Douglas Pinion from its launch in 1975 to its final run in 1981. In total there were 12 volumes of the paper (50 issues) and one spoof edition called The Douglas Onion. Three issues from Vol. 9 (Nos. 5, 6, and 13) are missing.

The Douglas Pinion

Board Meetings

  • S-005
  • Reeks
  • July 1969 - December 1978

Series consists of records pertaining to meetings of the Douglas College Council and Douglas College Board. These materials are predominantly meeting agendas and minutes, but also a large number of supporting documents related to the topics discussed at each meeting. Also included are special meeting records, which were confidential and sealed at the time of their creation.

Douglas College Council

Indigenous Gathering Place

  • S-006
  • Reeks
  • 1995 - 2012

Series consists of materials pertaining to the Indigenous Gathering Place (known as the Aboriginal Gathering Place prior to 2023), which opened in April 2011 at the College's New Westminster campus. The Indigenous Gathering Place is a venue for hosting traditional ceremonies, potlucks, and meetings. When not holding events, it is a quiet space to study, meditate, and meet fellow students.

In addition to proposal documents and a program for the space's grand opening (January 2012), this series also includes some records related to services for Indigenous students in the 1990s.

First Nations Advisory Committee

Institute of Environmental Studies

  • S-007
  • Reeks
  • August 1970 - February 1979

Series consists of materials pertaining to the Douglas College Institute of Environmental Studies. The majority of records in this series are copies of "Information Booklets" published by the Institute on a range of environmental and conservation topics. Other materials include correspondence, meeting minutes, newsletters, planning documents, and reports.

Institute of Environmental Studies

Women's Studies

  • S-008
  • Reeks
  • January 1972 - May 1982

Series consists of materials pertaining to Women's Studies programs and services at Douglas College. These textual records include documentation charting the history of Women's Studies at the College (also called "Programs for Women" during its early years), as well as materials related to curriculum development, campus and community events, gender in post-secondary contexts, and more. This series contains memoranda, correspondence, meeting agendas and minutes, financial records, reports, and promotional materials such as flyers and program guides.

The predominant records creators contributing to this series are Lillian Zimmerman and Margaretha Hoek, the first coordinators of Women's Studies programming and services, and the early advisory bodies responsible for overseeing this area.

The scope of the series dates from the early inception of Programs for Women until the early 1980s.

Women's Studies Advisory Committee

Student Governance

  • S-009
  • Reeks
  • September 1971 - March 1991

Series consists of materials pertaining to student government at Douglas College.

These include agendas, minutes, and supporting documents from early DCSS governing bodies such as the Douglas College Student Council (sometimes called the Tri-Council), the Mult-Campus Council, and the Senate. There are also records related to provincial and national organizations such as the Association of Student Councils Canada, the British Columbia Students Federation, and the Association of Canadian Community Colleges.

This series also contains materials related to the creation of the DCSS, The Other Press, society elections, student handbooks, clubs, professional development, social events, and more. These materials include correspondence, memoranda, nomination papers, reports, flyers and posters, questionnaires, draft constitutions and amendments, and ephemera.

Because the DCSS was represented on a number of college-wide boards, committees, and advisory councils, the Student Society possessed a number of related records such as agendas, minutes, and supporting documents. Although duplicate materials were culled from the Archives in 1986, this series retains records related to the activities of the Principal's Council, the New Westminster Campus Advisory Council, the Management Committee, and several other smaller committees.

Douglas College Student Society

Publicity, Marketing, and Communications

  • S-010
  • Reeks
  • 1970 - 2004

Series consist of materials created for the promotion of Douglas College programs, services, events, and achievements. These materials were created by various successive internal offices tasked specifically with shaping the College's image, producing advertisements, coordinating with faculties and departments, drafting speeches, and documenting events. The series includes brochures, flyers, posters, publications, correspondence, news releases, memoranda, meeting agendas and minutes, course information, receipts and invoices, and much more.

Communications and Marketing Office

EVENT Magazine

  • S-011
  • Reeks
  • 1971 -

Series consists of materials pertaining to EVENT Magazine. These include correspondence, documentation related to writing submissions, and copies of the magazine.

EVENT Magazine

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