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Indigenous Gathering Place
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3 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Aboriginal Gathering Place - Grant Proposal - 1996-2007

File contains a 1996 report by the Douglas College Foundation titled "Proposal Summary for A First Nations Centre at Douglas College". This file also contains correspondence and summary documents related to a 2007 proposal for an Aboriginal Gathering Place at Douglas College.

Douglas College Foundation

Aboriginal Gathering Place sub-committee - Artwork 2010-2011

File consists of materials pertaining to artwork for the Aboriginal Gathering Place at Douglas College. These materials, submitted to the Aboriginal Gathering Place sub-committee, include correspondence (including expressions of interest) and supporting documents.

Aboriginal Advisory Committee

[Aboriginal Gathering Place materials and resource guide for Indigenous students]

File consists of a copy of the 1995 "Resource Guide for First Nations Learners", a 2007 Gathering Place proposal submitted to the BC Ministry of Advanced Education by Douglas College and the Qayqayt First Nation, and a copy of a program from the Aboriginal Gathering Place grand opening in 2012.

First Nations Advisory Committee

Indigenous Gathering Place

  • S-006
  • Serie
  • 1995 - 2012

Series consists of materials pertaining to the Indigenous Gathering Place (known as the Aboriginal Gathering Place prior to 2023), which opened in April 2011 at the College's New Westminster campus. The Indigenous Gathering Place is a venue for hosting traditional ceremonies, potlucks, and meetings. When not holding events, it is a quiet space to study, meditate, and meet fellow students.

In addition to proposal documents and a program for the space's grand opening (January 2012), this series also includes some records related to services for Indigenous students in the 1990s.

First Nations Advisory Committee