File consists of materials pertaining to the 1973-1974 budget for the Program Development department. These include an operating budget worksheet, correspondence, financial information, and other budgetary documents.
File consists of materials pertaining to the 1975-1976 budget. These include correspondence, handwritten notes, budgetary information about proposed diploma programs, memoranda, and supporting financial documents.
File consists of materials created or collected by Andy Andrews pertaining to Burnaby School District. These include correspondence and meeting minutes.
File consists of materials pertaining to organizational changes at the DCSS in 1977/1978. These records include constitutional and by-law amendments, a report on the role of DCSS council members, memoranda, and more. These organizational changes included the creation of the Multi-Campus Council.
File consists of materials collected by DCSS representatives as part of the society's involvement with the Cafeteria Committee (alternately called the Cafeteria Renovation Committee). These records include meeting minutes, supporting documents (such as a roughly layout of the cafeteria), correspondence, and handwritten notes.
File consists of materials pertaining to library committee meetings at various college campuses. These include agendas, minutes, and supporting documents.
File consists of materials created or collected by Andy Andrews pertaining to the 1973 Canada Games budget. These include correspondence, operating cost information, and a training program for water ski officials.
The 1973 Canada Games were held in New Westminster and Burnaby from August 3 - 12, 1973. Andrews was involved in various aspects of the Games' organization.
File consists of materials created or collected by Andy Andrews pertaining to various 1973 Canada Games committees. These include correspondence, agendas, minutes, and supporting documents.
The 1973 Canada Games were held in New Westminster and Burnaby from August 3 - 12, 1973. Andrews was involved in various aspects of the Games' organization.