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Miscellaneous Board Files
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College Board - Faculty Emeritus Award

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to the Faculty Emeritus Award. These include correspondence, information about honorees, policies, copies of speeches, and more.

Douglas College Board

College Board - DSU Compliance with the College and Institute Act

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to the Douglas Student Union's compliance with the Colleges and Institutes Act. These include correspondence, newspaper clippings, memoranda, copies of legislation, and more.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Campus 2020

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to the Campus 2020 Plan for British Columbia's Post-Secondary System. These include copy of the report, correspondence, memoranda, and supporting documents.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Ombudsman

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to complaints investigated by the province's Office of the Ombudsperson. These include correspondence and reports.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Governance and Disclosure

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to board governance in British Columbia and rules related to appointments and ethical conduct.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Correspondence

File consists of correspondence created or collected by the College Board pertaining to a range of subjects.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Governance and Disclosure

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to a set of guidelines released by the provincial government that governance and disclosure best practices for public bodies.

Douglas College Board

Resultados 81 a 90 de 124