File consists of materials pertaining to the development of communications programming at Douglas College. These include correspondence, handwritten notes, proposals, curricula plans, reports and information on similar programs at other institutions, and more.
File consists of materials created or collected by Andy Andrews pertaining to the College Assembly. These include agendas, minutes, and supporting documents. The College Assembly was a precursor to the Douglas College Student Society (DCSS).
File consists of materials created or collected by Andy Andrews pertaining to the development of a clerical certificate course. These include handwritten notes and a memorandum.
File consists of materials created or collected by Andy Andrews pertaining to the development of child care services training programs at the College. Some materials are related to the creation of a day care at Douglas College. The records in this file include correspondence, memoranda, course outlines, curricula, reports, and more.
File consists of materials created or collected by Andy Andrews pertaining to the development of an Arts and Communications Program. These include a piece of correspondence and supporting excerpt from a publication.
File consists of materials collected by Andy Andrews pertaining to vocational and apprenticeship programs. These include copies of legislation (the Apprenticeship Act, College and Institutions Act, and Institute of Technology Act) and materials related to Manpower Industrial Training Programs.
File consists of materials collected by Andy Andrews pertaining to art education (including applied arts) at post-secondary institutions. These are articles/reports and a list of 1976-77 courses offered at Ontario colleges of applied arts and technology.
File consists of materials pertaining to Program Planning and Development at the College. These include job descriptions, organizational planning and restructuring documents, and blank performance evaluation forms.