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Miscellaneous Board Files
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College Board - Campus 2020 Think Pieces and Full Report

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to the Campus 2020 Plan for British Columbia's Post-Secondary System. These include responses and reports ("think pieces") from various sectors and civil society organizations. Noteworthy is a report by Harvey McCue of the Centre for Native Policy and Research on Indigenous Post-Secondary Education. (This report is titled "Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education.")

Douglas College Board

College Board - Retreat October 21 , 2006

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to its October 2006 retreat. These include presentation materials, an agenda for the retreat, a copy of an environmental scan, and more.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Correspondence

File consists of correspondence created or collected by the College Board pertaining to a range of subjects.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Retreat October 18,2007

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to its October 2007 retreat. These are predominantly printed presentation slides, but also some correspondence, programming documents, agendas, and more.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Notice of Position [1 of 2]

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to positions on the Board. These include correspondence, candidate profiles and declarations, performance appraisals, and more.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Meetings, Workshops and Retreats

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to the Board's 2010 retreat and recognition ceremony. These records include correspondence, articles, a retreat overview, and more.

Douglas College Board

Resultados 111 a 120 de 124