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Miscellaneous Board Files
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College Board - Retreat October 18,2007

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to its October 2007 retreat. These are predominantly printed presentation slides, but also some correspondence, programming documents, agendas, and more.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Governance and Disclosure - Assessment

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to governance and disclosure guidelines for crown agency boards. These include correspondence, checklists, assessment written comments, and more.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Retreat October 21 , 2006

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to its October 2006 retreat. These include presentation materials, an agenda for the retreat, a copy of an environmental scan, and more.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Retreat January 15,2005

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to its January 2005 retreat. These include presentation materials, memoranda, correspondence, an agenda for the retreat, a draft of the College's Academic Plan.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Orientation College Board

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to orientation for new members of the Board. These include correspondence, memoranda, presentation slides, and more.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Joint Meetings

File consists of correspondence created or collected by the College Board pertaining to joint meetings between the Douglas College Board and Kwantlen College Board.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Retreat October 4, 2003

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to its October 2003 retreat. These include planning documents, correspondence, handouts, meeting minutes, and more.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Bylaws

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to by-laws. These include copies of by-laws, recommendations, handwritten notes, revisions, drafts, memoranda, correspondence, and more.

Douglas College Board

College Board - Retreat October 26, 2002

File consists of materials created or collected by the College Board pertaining to its October 2002 retreat. These include correspondence, planning documents, itineraries, presentation materials, an orientation guide, and more.

Douglas College Board

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