- DCA063
- Corporate body
- 2014 - Present

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Authority record- DCA033
- Person
Carole Compton-Smith held the position of Director, Learning Resources from 2000 to 2011. She received a Master of Library and Information Science (MLS) from the University of Toronto in 1976.
- DCA025
- Corporate body
- 1986 - [1990]
The Charter of Rights Committee was originally formed in response to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom's main equality provisions coming into effect in 1985. The Committee's purpose was the creation of a cross-divisional project to integrate teaching of the Charter into the College's curriculum. An announcement in a January 1987 edition of the Mad Hatter newsletter stated: "The Charter has the potential to bring about profound change in the community and as a teaching institution and a community college we must be actively involved in fostering understanding, initiating community discussion, and preparing our students to participate in the shaping of their society."
The Committee oversaw the creation of a course (IDST 100 Human Rights and Canadian Society: Multidisciplinary Perspectives), which was offered from 1989 until at least 2006.
Records of the Committee cease after April 1990.
- DCA046
- Corporate body
- DCA045
- Corporate body
Communications and Marketing Office
- DCA021
- Corporate body
- 1996 -
The Communications and Marketing Office (formerly the Public Information Office) developed and administered College marketing plans, produced College publications and promotional materials, liaised with media, established proactive publicity activities, coordinated and provided support for College special events, and supported internal communications through the College newsletter, bulletins and other materials.
The Office's name was changed to the Marketing & Communications Office.
- DCA067
- Corporate body
- 1990 - 1992
In November 1990, the Community Relations Committee replaced the Community Relations Development Committee as one of the College Board’s three standing committees. This committee would put greater emphasis on increasing the College’s visibility in the community, taking proactive steps to engage with various off-campus constituencies and stakeholders. The Committee made policy recommendations to the Board, was involved in College advertising, and was responsible for “interpreting and communicating the College’s role, mandate and needs to the community decisions makers.”
By January 1992, the Committee once again changed, this time to the Community Relations/Board Development Committee.
Community Relations Committee [original]
- DCA065
- Corporate body
- 1977 - 1981
In May 1977, an Ad Hoc Public Relations Committee was struck by the College Council to examine the need and means by which they could keep the broader community informed of the College, its development, and activities. In October of that year, a motion was carried to establish a Community Relations Committee as the fifth standing committee of the College Council.
The Community Relations Committee was tasked with upholding the “Council’s responsibility to keep the community informed and aware of the College and its development,” as well as develop publicity and public relations policies. The Committee engaged directly with community stakeholders through in-person meetings but also through indirect means such as press releases and newsletters. The Committee oversaw the work of the Public Information Office and its officer.
In 1981, following the split between Douglas and Kwantlen, the College Board reduced its number of standing committees. The Community Relations Committee was eliminated and not replaced by an equivalent committee until April 1984 when the Community Relations Development Committee was established.
Community Relations Development Committee
- DCA066
- Corporate body
- 1984 - 1990
The Community Relations Development Committee was established as a standing committee of the College Board in April 1984. Its purpose at that time was “to provide a focus for and an overview of policies and programs to enhance public information, community resource development and college-based community development activities.” Later that year, fundraising activities was added to the Committee’s terms of reference. The Committee also provided recommendations to the Board and served as a liaison with College administration regarding issues related to public relations.
In November 1990, the Committee’s name was changed back to the Community Relations Committee.
Community Relations/Board Development Committee
- DCA068
- Corporate body
- 1992 - 2002
Established in January 1992, the College Board’s Community Relations/Board Development Committee retained many of its predecessor’s responsibilities related to community engagement, strategic planning related to advertising, and discussions of community relations issues. It also added two new clauses to its mandate: (1) to plan Board development activities and to recommend them to the College Board, and (2) to draft and recommend Board policies.
In September 2002, the Board voted to disband the Committee because issues related to planning and advocacy were by then being handled by the Executive Committee.